How do I report a lost or stolen Identity Card?

It is a legal obligation for a Czech citizen to immediately report the loss, theft, risk of misuse of data in the identification certificate or destruction of an identity card within 15 days. You should also file a report at any police station in Malta or Gozo.

Report Electronically

To report electronically, you need a Data Box or a recognised electronic signature.

You can report the loss or theft of your identity card electronically to any Czech municipal authority with extended powers (in Prague to any municipal office city districts 1 to 22).

When reporting the loss or theft of your identity card, please provide your personal details (first name, surname, date of birth, permanent residence, etc.)

Reporting Loss at the Honorary Consulate in Malta

Since there is no Czech Embassy in Malta, Czech citizens can report the loss or theft of their Czech Identity Card to the Czech Government via the Consulate by filling in the Loss of ID form and bringing it to the Consulate where it needs to be signed in front of the Honorary Consul. This will then be forwarded to the Czech Embassy in Rome.

You will be required to bring an alternative means of identification such as a previously made copy of the Identity Card, a Passport, Driving License or even a Maltese Identity Card.

An identity card ceases to be valid when its loss, theft or destruction or the risk of misuse of data in the identification certificate are reported. Any identity card which is subsequently found must be surrendered. The use of an identity card that you have reported lost or stolen is an offence.

Lost and stolen documents are also kept in the Schengen Information System and in the Interpol database and this makes it more difficult for the document to be misused and thus protects your interests.

See more details about Czech Identity Cards on the Czech Government Portal.