Registration of Marriage

How females obtain a new passport and ID Card.

Czech citizens who have got married outside of the Czech Republic are obliged to register their marriage with the Special Register Office in Brno, Czech Republic.

This can be done either in the Czech Republic or via the Consular Section at the Embassy in Rome, the Czech Consulate in Milan or one of the Honorary Consulates following receiving an appointment. The registration of the marriage must be done as soon as possible after it occurs.


In the case of female Czech citizens, once the registration of marriage is completed, she will obtain a Czech Marriage Certificate and her old passport and ID card will be cancelled.

They will need therefore to apply for a new Czech passport as well as a new Czech ID card in the Czech Republic. However, to travel to the Czech Republic, they will need an Emergency Passport issued by the Honorary Consul in Malta. Please follow the procedure for obtaining an emergency Czech passport.

While technically it is possible to apply for the new passport at the Embassy in Rome (however not the ID card), this procedure is not appropriate for Czech citizens living in Malta as they will not be able to travel back to Malta from Rome until their passport is received, which would be multiple weeks, because Emergency passports can only be issued to travel to the Czech Republic.

Preferred Format of Surname

In the application for the registration of a marriage a female Czech citizen can indicate their preferred format of their future surname to the Czech authorities. More details can be found here - Žádost o vystavení oddacího listu (sňatek se uskutečnil v Itálii) | Velvyslanectví České republiky v Římě (