How to apply for an extract from the Criminal Records Register of the Czech Republic.

How to Apply for a Czech Police Conduct Certificate

Extract from the Criminal Records Register

A Police Conduct Certificate is often requested by employers in Malta. The equivalent in the Czech Republic is an Extract from the Criminal Records Register.

If you live in Czech Republic, you should apply at any local or municipal authority office, Czech POINT or directly at the Criminal Register office in Prague.

If you have a recognised electronic signature, you can also apply directly online to the electronic mailroom of the Criminal Register (this service is only offered in Czech).

If you live outside of the Czech Republic and do not have a recognised electronic signature, then things would be more complicated. In those countries that have an Embassy with a Czech POINT, contact that Embassy directly. The closest Embassy to Malta is the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Rome. You would still need to make an appointment directly with the Embassy for an in-person visit.

Honorary Consulates are only able to facilitate this process but cannot issue the extract from the Criminal Records Register. The Honorary Consulate in Malta can provide some assistance.

  1. You can fill in but do not sign it the form called ŽÁDOST O VÝPIS Z REJSTŘÍKU TRESTŮ FYZICKÝCH OSOB

  2. Set an appointment to visit the Honorary Consulate and bring the unsigned form to the Honorary Consulate together with your passport or Czech ID Card for identification.

  3. The form and supporting documentation will be sent to the Embassy in Rome from where they will be forwarded to the authorities in Prague.

  4. The extract of the Criminal Records Register will then be sent to the Honorary Consulate.

Please note that this process usually takes between 10 and 12 weeks.

For more information on fees, processes or on how to obtain a recognized electronic signature (in order to apply online), please visit the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic website (available in Czech only).