This website is owned and operated by the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Malta (referred to as the Consulate), which is located in the offices of The Consulate Software Ltd at SkyParks Business Centre, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA4000, Malta.

Any usage of the website is subject to the Terms and Conditions outlined below and to the Data Protection Act 2018 of the Republic of Malta and the General Data Protection Regulation

Usage and Liability

The information contained on this web site is provided in good faith, and every reasonable effort is made to ensure that it is correct and up to date. However the Consulate does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the information on this site.

Accordingly, this information is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. Any person relying on any of the information contained on this web site or making any use of the information contained herein, shall do so at their own risk.

To the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, the Consulate hereby disclaims any liability and in no event shall the Consulate be liable for any damage including, without limitation, direct, indirect or consequential damages including loss of revenue, loss of profit, loss of opportunity or other loss arising from the use of or the inability to use the information contained on this web site including damages arising from inaccuracies, omissions or errors.

Legitimate Business Interests

The objectives of the Consulate are: 1) to provide assistance, where possible, related to the Czech Republic to citizens in Malta, particularly Czech citizens; 2) to promote cultural and economic ties between Malta and the Czech Republic; 3) to support and facilitate the work of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Rome, which is responsible for the Republic of Malta. The services offered by the consulate will be in line with these purposes and will be considered as its Legitimate Business Interests as defined within data protection legislation.

Privacy Policy

The Consulate takes your privacy very seriously. In your interactions with the Consulate, either through email, our web site, the phone or through forms submitted to the Consulate, we may require to maintain personal data to enable us to support our purposes. By submitting your personal information, you consent to the storage and processing of such person data and that this data may be used by the Consulate to communicate with you regarding the activities and events of the Consulate.

Where this is in line with the stated purposes of the Consulate, your personal data may be shared with entities including Ministries and agencies of the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of Malta and any other third parties who require access to this data to enable the provision of their services to you or the Consulate. Your personal data may be used by the Consulate to communicate with you about the work of the Consulate and events aimed at the Czech community in Malta.  Your personal data will not otherwise be shared with any other third parties.

We will store and/or process your personal data in any of the following circumstances:

  1. Where it is necessary for the Consulate’s Legitimate Business Interests to manage the relationship with you, provided that this processing does not override your fundamental rights under applicable data protection legislation.

  2. Where the Consulate needs to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.

Data Retention

Your personal data will be retained by the Consulate for as long as there is a justifiable business need to meet the Consulate’s Legitimate Business Interests and will be deleted within 12 months thereafter.

We may use your email address to inform you about our services, events or to provide required notifications You will always give you the right to opt out.   


The Consulate’s web site may utilize cookies to process user usage and behaviour information in a bid to improve user experience. If your browser has been enabled by you to allow this, the Consulate will store Cookie information onto the device used by you to access this site.  You will be able to use your browser’s capabilities to view and delete these cookies.  The functionality of the web site may change based on the ability of the Consulate to utilise these cookies.

Storage of Personal Data?

The Consulate shall only store Personal Data:

  • within the European Economic Area (EEA)

  • in a country which is recognized by the European Commission, on the basis of article 45 of GDPR, as offering an adequate level of data protection, whether by its domestic legislation or of the international commitments it has entered into.

  • Where such storage is covered by a contract which contains the Standard Contractual Clauses published by the European Commission

  • Binding Corporate Rules as defined in Article 47 of the GDPR.

Data Subject Rights

The Consulate recognizes your Data Subject Rights as defined within GDPR and, should you wish to exercise these Data Subject Rights, please send a request to